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Support Projects

Suffering Matters

Suffering Matters

Like many other tourists in Israel, I enjoyed walking in Jerusalem between the three sites dedicated to prayer. Muslims worship at the Dome of the Rock, their third most holy site. Jewish men and women gather endlessly at the Wailing Wall, forming long lines, leaning forward and backward, recalling their ancient city’s history.  Standing in front of the stone wall that supported Solomon’s Temple, their prayers take place in the open air...
Ministry in Puerto Lempira, Honduras

Ministry in Puerto Lempira, Honduras

This letter informs you of some critical events that have befallen us as a family since the middle of last year, 2023. Because God is faithful and just, he has always sustained us, guiding and strengthening us in everything. First, we give our thanks to God and to our brothers and sisters at LAM. You have accompanied us with your prayers. May God Almighty bless you...
Miracle after Miracle in Winnipeg

Miracle after Miracle in Winnipeg

In 2021, we completed our first mission assignment, working at New Horizons International Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A congregation had been planted, and so we moved to the east side of the city. Here, we began our second church planting effort. We started in our home with a small group in February 2022. By November, we had about 50 people, and our home became too small, and we looked around for a larger place to meet. By faith, we rented the chapel of a converted school...
What is Member Care?

What is Member Care?

Recently, Craig and Amanda Cunningham moved to Canada, where Amanda will be joining the LAM staff in Member Care. I interviewed them after walking through First Lobo Baptist Church, where Craig is the new pastor. Amanda expressed her passion in these words...