This fund is to support the ministry to indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazonian community. This is in continuity with the ministry of the late Ruth Thomson, a Canadian missionary, who spent over 50 years of her life working with the Kayapo people and began the work with other indigenous groups. Her ministry continues through other Brazilian missionaries, and Kayapo families now reaching out to other indigenous groups. Your donations will be used to support all activities related to the ministry to indigenous communities in the Brazilian Amazonian region.
Choose one of the four options below to make your gift:
A monthly, pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account is the most cost effective donation option. It can easily be set up. There are no bank fees, no need to write a cheque nor to post it!
Please note that after your first gift is processed, your deduction date will be on the 16th of each month.
Below is a sample of a cheque to help you find the information needed on your own cheque and fill out the form.Please make your cheque payable to Latin America Mission and mail it to:
PO BOX 85505
Please enclose a separate note (or written on the memo of the cheque) to indicate which missionary/project you would prefer to support. Post-dated cheques are accepted.
For a Monthly Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) pledge, please use the PAD form above.