LAM CANADA | Welcome

Ministry in Puerto Lempira, Honduras

Ministry in Puerto Lempira, Honduras

This letter informs you of some critical events that have befallen us as a family since the middle of last year, 2023. Because God is faithful and just, he has always sustained us, guiding and strengthening us in everything. First, we give our thanks to God and to our brothers and sisters at LAM. You have accompanied us with your prayers. May God Almighty bless you...
Miracle after Miracle in Winnipeg

Miracle after Miracle in Winnipeg

In 2021, we completed our first mission assignment, working at New Horizons International Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A congregation had been planted, and so we moved to the east side of the city. Here, we began our second church planting effort. We started in our home with a small group in February 2022. By November, we had about 50 people, and our home became too small, and we looked around for a larger place to meet. By faith, we rented the chapel of a converted school...
What is Member Care?

What is Member Care?

Recently, Craig and Amanda Cunningham moved to Canada, where Amanda will be joining the LAM staff in Member Care. I interviewed them after walking through First Lobo Baptist Church, where Craig is the new pastor. Amanda expressed her passion in these words...
Transformational Preaching

Transformational Preaching

In our current social context, where there is so little to celebrate, Langham-escuelitas will be “celebrating” the annual encounter of Transformational Preaching from September 9 to 13 in the city of Medellin. A combined endeavour with Bible Seminary of Colombia; we expect more than 300 preachers and lay leaders from many cities in Colombia and Latin America...
Surviving the Storm

Surviving the Storm

“A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this?...
Selling the Table

Selling the Table

What items can a pastor not do without? A Bible, for sure. A decent collection of commentaries and old sermons (purely for reference, of course). Some method of transportation, in case of emergency.  I’d argue that as important as any of those is a good table...


It is crunch time for Campfire! We are excited to continue to grow our camps and leadership team! We were hoping to get 35 participants for our adult camp in June, and 45 participants in our July teen camp. A Christian school in Montería, a city in our region, reached out to us about sending a group of students to participate, and we were so excited to receive an even more diverse group of youth...
News from Joel and Mairee Garcia

News from Joel and Mairee Garcia

Although we have not missed anything, due to different circumstances we have moved 5 times in the last 7 years. We have lived in downtown Toronto, Scarborough, East York and are currently in Pickering. Moving to a new house with children is a challenge. We have felt that the Lord has treated us like the people of Israel in the desert, from one place to another; and although all of this has been exhausting, we cannot complain about anything because the hand of the Lord has been with us...
News from Dione in Brazil

News from Dione in Brazil

Thank God, the work with the Indigenous believers is going well. Yesterday's service at CASAI was a blessing. Many indigenous brothers participated. After the service, we took pictures and made a short video to send to Mr. Earl Trapp, who worked here in Brazil with the Kayapo Indians for over 50 years. This month, Mr. Earl is turning 96. He still sends written materials and audio messages to the Indians...
News from Roblealto in Costa Rica

News from Roblealto in Costa Rica

It is a privilege for me to thank you for your invaluable contribution that has allowed more than 900 children each year to have a better quality of life and more than 560 families receive support through the different programs and actions that we develop in the communities where we have presence...
Church Planting in Mexico City

Church Planting in Mexico City

John and Tracey Pieters are a testimony to persistence, and they joyfully serve the Lord in Mexico City. The skills they have learned over years of church planting are being sharpened, and their supportive network has grown. They keep on making friends and calling on supporters...
Sue Vissers’ Grand Tour 

Sue Vissers’ Grand Tour 

Sue Vissers undertook a fascinating ministry visit in March, connecting with our missionaries in Central and South America. Missionary work is not always easy. Many leave their field of service before their work is complete. Sue is conscious that MEMBER CARE is a significant way to serve the Lord because it means serving those laboring in His harvest fields...