Who in the story has the greatest need for integrity? Is it Julius, the centurion, who must not, under any circumstances, lose his prisoner? If a pris...
Jesus taught His disciples to pray “give us each day our daily bread” (Luke 11 and Matthew 6). Bread was a powerful symbol of God’s provision fo...
Like many other tourists in Israel, I enjoyed walking in Jerusalem between the three sites dedicated to prayer. Muslims worship at the Dome of the Roc...
From time to time, I used to take a day away from home, work, and all distractions. I set aside time for meditation. In Brazil, that meant setting up ...
I grew up learning that persistence matters. When 21 girls graduated from school in Kabartonjo, Kenya, the African village where I grew up, their sun-...
Sports Day in Kenya! It was the highlight of the term for me. After a day of intense competition under the scorching sun, my voice hoarse from cheerin...
As a Grade seven student in Kenya, East Africa, one verse used to terrify me. Some of our boarding schoolteachers were known to use this verse in chap...
What have been your life’s top five challenges? Three? One? Well, this month, we have five stories that show what our Latin America Mission workers ...
Jesus trained many disciples! And twice during his ministry in Galilee, he sent them out, two by two. At first, Jesus gathered twelve men and taught t...
The face of poverty appears in many places, forms, shapes, and sizes. And how Christians think about poverty is a window into understanding Christ’s...
Growing up at our home in Limuru, Kenya, my mother loved working with widows and orphans. Early every morning, women from a nearby village walked to o...
Has a crying baby ever disturbed you during a church service? Did you ever see children running around during worship, wishing their parents would con...