How To Help Us:
Our missionaries and the projects and organizations that LAM supports are funded by donations. Their work simply will not happen without the support of people who believe in what they are doing, and provide the resources to do it.
Our Gift Policy: Spending of funds is confined to LAM Canada approved ministries and projects. If a preference has been expressed as to how LAM Canada uses a gift, the gift remains a gift to LAM Canada to be used to best advance its charitable purposes. When the need for any ministry or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by LAM Canada, any remaining funds will be used where needed most as determined by the Board of LAM Canada.
Please note: credit card processing fees of up to 3% are deducted from your donation to each missionary or project supported. If you plan to donate monthly, please consider signing up for a pre-authorized debit from your bank account for a flat fee of around fifty cents per gift processed.