Why Go on a Mission Trip?

Why Go on a Mission Trip?

Why Go on a Mission Trip?

From a letter by Lillian Solt

“I can think of many reasons to join a group for two or three weeks. We go to purposely push ourselves outside our comfort zone. We go to put our faith in action, going in hopes our small efforts contribute to something bigger. We will appreciate our many privileges and blessings, being part of a team serving together, caring for each other. We will remind ourselves that we are not in control, but we witness life from a different perspective. We go to exercise our ability to hold duality, how poverty in Costa Rica can exist amongst vast beauty. 

“Although I am unable to tell you about each day’s activities, I can tell of people who live in this Central American country. They display wisdom and profound dignity, even though they are poor in the things of this world. We will see their determination and optimism despite their circumstances and their ability to love and care for one another as family members and friends. I will learn about their peace and contentment. 

“May the people of Costa Rica serve as an inspiration to be continuously grateful, to make service to others a priority in life, and to cultivate satisfaction in our lives. We go to purposely push ourselves outside of the comfort zones we have created for ourselves.” 

(Thanks to Kathy Mosczan in this letter sent by Lilian Solt. Lillian is a long-time missionary in Costa Rica, serving with United World Mission, UWM. During the past year, Lillian was the host for two large groups of short-termers who helped build and repair buildings used by impoverished people near San Jose.)

If you want more information about short-term missions click here: https://lamcanada.ca/getinvolved/7/short-term-missions-avance