Following nine years of service in the city of Trinidad, Bolivia, Craig & Amanda Cunningham (with Sam) moved to the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in early 2019. Santa Cruz is the largest city in Bolivia and, by some estimates, the fastest-growing city in the world.
Craig is pastor of Trinity International Church, an English-language church, where many of the attendees are missionaries and expats, but an increasing number are Bolivian. The church had been without a pastor for four years, and so Craig's arrival has been an encouragement to the congregation, and he has the benefit of starting from a relatively clean slate! Amanda has also been helping out as a Sunday School teacher. A challenge the church faces is a lack of integration between the national and expat community at times, and we need wisdom as to how to address this, in order to forge greater unity in the body.
Craig also supports the work of Langham Preaching in the city of Santa Cruz. This has been a highly successful cell-based programme in training Bolivian pastors and leaders in the principles of expository preaching, though it had previously not had much of a foothold in Santa Cruz. Craig and others re-launched the programme last year, with 'escuelitas' now meeting regularly throughout the city. We are encouraged by the enthusiasm of the initial intake of around 30 students and welcome your prayers for perseverance for them, and also opportunities for expanding the programme in Santa Cruz later this year.
Craig & Amanda are members of the Latin Link Bolivia team, and in 2019 Amanda became the team's new Stride co-ordinator, i.e., for short-term volunteers. She is currently responsible for looking after five 'Striders' throughout the country, with more due to arrive in the coming months. Working with young volunteers has always been an aspect of ministry that Amanda has enjoyed throughout our time in Bolivia, and she is relishing her new role. Latin Link have graciously provided training opportunities for her in recent months.
We are amazed by God's goodness to us. For a number of reasons, our last few years in Trinidad were very tough and we often wondered if missions was really 'for us'. God has graciously opened this door and for the first time in many years, we both feel we are in roles that excite us and which make good use of our gifts. Soli Deo gloria!
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