News from Dione in Brazil
Dear Friends in the Latin America Mission family,
Hallelujah! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endures forever, Psalm 106:1
Last week I was in Marabá participating in a camp for teenagers from the Evangelical Christian Churches. I went to talk to them about missions. It was a great time with them.
This year Sabrina, my daughter, will finish high school. She is registered to take the ENEM (National High School Exam), which may help her get into college.
Thank God, the work with the Indigenous believers is going well. Yesterday's service at CASAI was a blessing. Many indigenous brothers participated. After the service, we took pictures and made a short video to send to Mr. Earl Trapp, who worked here in Brazil with the Kayapo Indians for over 50 years. This month, Mr. Earl is turning 96. He still sends written materials and audio messages to the Indians.
I went to visit Chief Tuire, who was undergoing cancer treatment in Belém. I took books of verses for the family and a hymnal for her. It was a great time with the family. They were very happy. I was very grateful to God for the opportunity to share the verses and sing praises to God with them.
In June, I began giving extra classes in Kayapo and Portuguese to the children of a Kayapo family who study here in the city and are having difficulty understanding why the classes are in Portuguese. Our brothers from the KBK village in Mato Grosso will be holding a conference for the churches in the villages of that region. They invited me. I will be traveling to participate in it, and I will certainly meet Pastor João Quadra.
Yesterday, the 17th, God gave us a great deliverance. Four snakes appeared in our backyard, one coral snake and three black snakes. I managed to kill the coral snake and the black snake, and the other two escaped. I am very grateful to God for his care and for the many opportunities he has given me to share his word with the Kayapo and Xikrin people.
May God bless you and all your families. Dione