Daniel & Helen Bravo's Latest News

Daniel & Helen Bravo's Latest News

Daniel & Helen Bravo's Latest News

A view of where many refugees from Venezuela stop overnight for rest.

Hola amigos, Greetings from Barranquilla! What a joy it is to connect with you again!  We send you warm greetings from our family in Colombia. 

Today we would like to share some news from Daniel’s recent trip visiting Darien. We thank you for your continued support and prayers, which enable us to fulfill our mission and spread God's love. Let’s continue walking together! Un gran abrazo! (A big hug!)

Visiting Darien We are reaching out with deep gratitude for your prayers and support. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Venezuela pass through this steep mountainous region, hoping to make it to North America.  

From the get-go, the Doulos team led by Daniel encountered various problems – flat tires, unexpected delays, a busted water pipe at home just before leaving, and even a storm during our boat journey. It's easy to forget that serving the Lord and seeking His Kingdom often meets resistance from the kingdom of darkness. This is a real struggle, but we find strength in Jesus' assurance that "the gates of hell won’t prevail." Knowing nothing happens outside His control is both humbling and comforting. 

Despite these challenges, we managed to carry out all our planned activities. Connecting with teams from small local churches serving migrants in the perilous Darien jungle was a transformative experience. Their commitment and love for the Lord, seen in their actions toward those in need, deeply touched and inspired our team. We were often moved to tears by stories of how the Lord works miracles today, providing food, delivering from dangers, sharing inspiring messages, and offering words of comfort. 

After the team delivered a water purifier machine and engaged in a training session for church and community leaders, Pr. Alex shared a powerful message: “Friends, the Bible teaches us that the Lord blesses us even when we are not faithful. But the Bible also teaches that for those committed to obey the Lord and have a loving and generous heard toward others, there are blessings in abundance. I believe the machine we have received is a testament to 2 Chronicles 16:9 – For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

Despite initial opposition, we felt strengthened and encouraged by the Lord throughout the journey. Returning home, we as a team were grateful for the experiences and filled with admiration and joy for our brothers and sisters in Darien. During all the trip, your prayers and support were an immense source of encouragement. We cannot emphasize enough how vital your upliftment was for us. 

We ask for your prayers for safety, guidance, and impactful ministry during this time. May God’s presence be evident in every step we take and every person we meet. Pray for safety and protection for our family and the team as we travel and serve with young people and children. 

Help us uplift communities in Colombia by contributing to improve the access of local churches to holistic resources to engage in what we call “Church community mobilization initiatives.” Join the journey with a mission trip to Latin America. Whether you’re skilled in teacher or simply have a heart to serve, there’s a place for you to work with us.