The Ultimate Challenge

The Ultimate Challenge

The Ultimate Challenge

By Carolina Holguin

At times, I pray that my life will more and more conform to the image and likeness of Christ. Honestly, the first thing honestly that comes to mind is not exactly the image of the crucified Christ. A thinker invited his audience to evaluate if it was not true that two things moved them in almost all of their actions. They were (1) seeking pleasure and well-being or (2) avoiding pain. 

As much as I would like to avoid everything that represents suffering, it is good for me to remember that when the suffering is in Christ, it carries the potential to forge the character of Jesus in us and that, as Romans says, “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Rom 8:18

Each doctrinal student experiences reading books for the in-depth subject areas for the Comprehensive Exams differently. I am reading the books on the first list and learning much from them about Wisdom Literature. There are three lists in total, each containing fifteen books. My experience has been challenging but informative. 

Some reasons for Thanksgiving during this first part of the year are:

  • A few weeks ago, I finished systematizing the information from the first four books I read, which has been very helpful. 
  • By God’s grace, I recently finished the fifth book! Those who know me better know that reading quickly has not been my best skill over the years, even in my native language. 
  • On March 3, we finished a series of 21 Sundays of praying for revival in our community at Paramount Drive Alliance Church (Hamilton) during the Sunday pre-service prayer time. Now, we begin 40 Sundays of prayer for Deeper Life and Missions for our local church. 
  • Last Tuesday, we finished the Alpha course at my local church, and I was blessed to lead a small Spanish-speaking group. 

I would like to ask for your prayers for:

  • God’s wisdom and strength to be present every day in my studies.
  • Financial provision, especially for acquiring a speed-reading course to help me read each book in less time. 
  • Skill to advance with the readings. 
  • God’s power to continue serving him as I have the opportunity to do so. 

Thank you so very much for all the prayers, encouragement, generosity, and fellowship of many of you who have supported me in procuring in-depth training in the Scriptures to extend God’s Kingdom, especially among the Hispanic community. 

May the model of the Cross and the manifested glory of the empty tomb be tangible to each of you this season.