Kike and Belinda Vega

Kike and Belinda Vega

Kike and Belinda Vega have been married since 2017.  Their first son, Henry Karim, was born in December of 2020. They are currently running Ascenso Outdoor Ministry for children and youth in Siguatepeque, Honduras. After 5 years of pastoring the 4:13 Community Church, in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, God showed and confirmed to them the need for a change in their lives and ministry. After much prayer and hearing advice from mentors and close friends, God confirmed a call to start a discipleship ministry focused on children and youth through outdoor adventure.  “The greatest adventure for any child of God (whether they know it yet or not) is to know God through Jesus Christ; to take pleasure in Him, realizing that He delights in you, and to ultimately choose a life of loyalty to Jesus Christ.  Adventure forces us to drop our masks, it sheds lights on the shadows where we are hiding, and exposes our true nature and design, which is to be close with our Loving Father and to desire what the Holy Spirit desires which is contrary to our sinful nature. (Taken from

They believe that the impact they can make on young people through Ascenso is enormous.  Children and youth who participate in their programs will have an opportunity to find not only leaders who show them love, genuine friendship, and who model a life of intimate communion with God, but they will find a community where they feel safe, where they can learn, where they can be themselves, where they are not judged for their follies and immaturity - a community that helps them to get to know Jesus in a real and personal way.

Kike and Belinda believe in discipling children and youth, motivating them to have a personal and deep relationship with Christ where they can experience God: all this in the context of adventure programs which allow the participants to develop meaningful relationships with others. They believe that investing in children and youth today, discipling them, is a necessity for the Church in the years to come.


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Please note that after your first gift is processed, your deduction date will be on the 16th of each month.

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PO BOX 85505

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To donate by phone, please call (905) 569-0001 and have your credit card information handy.